Board of Trustees of Frederick County Public Libraries

The Board of Trustees of Frederick County Public Libraries consists of seven volunteer members, appointed for up to two five year terms. Appointees must be residents of Frederick County and registered voters. The Board of Trustees of Frederick County Public Libraries meets the first Wednesday of every month except July, August, and December. Duties of the Board of Trustees of Frederick County Public Libraries include the adoption of library policy and procedure, and approval of the library budget.

Per the Frederick County Ethics Law, members are required to complete an annual Financial Disclosure Statement. For more information, contact the County Attorney's Office at 301-600-1030.

By-Laws of the Board of Trustees, Frederick County Public Libraries

All inquiries for Board of Trustees of Frederick County Public Libraries members should be sent care of:
FCPL Administrative Offices
110 East Patrick Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

2024 Meeting Minutes

Full Archive of Meeting Minutes